Date – 2023
6:30am 9:00am Solidarity walks women empower center – KIC – main
market – Bicec junction – WEC
– Visit to two vulnerable widows, blind and physically
3:00pm – Football Match; Municipal Council ladies Vs Widows
Friday part 1
9:00 am Arrival of widows
9:30 am Arrival of delegates/guests
10:00 am Arrival of D.Os and SDO
Cutting of the office ribbon
Office tour
– Opening prayer
– Introductory message from CEO – Mme Bertha Abbey
– Animation
– Word from the D.D Women and the Family
– Animation
– Presentation and launching of the 2024 and vocational
training project
– Award of Trophy
– Closing remarks from the SDO
1. Distribution of Appeal letters/Invitations
Item Quantity Unit price Total (FRS)
Appeal letter 50 50 2.500
Invitation 200 50 10.000
Total 12.500 CFA
2. Solidarity walks
Item Quantity Unit price Total (FRS)
T-shirts 200 2.000 400.000
Water 17pack 2000 34.000
Card boards 10 200 2000
Bold Maker 5 500 2.500
Total 438,500 FRS
3. Vulnerable
Visit to one handicap, blind widows physically challenged
Envelope 2 100.000 200.000
Rice 2 13.000 26.000
Salt 2 3000 6000
Maggi cubes 10 1000 10.000
Savon 30 350 10500
Cooking oil 10 L 1500 15.000
267.500 CFA
4. Football Match
Item Quantity Unit Price Total
Cup 1 10.000 10.000
2nd price 1 50.000 50.000
Match officials 5 10.000 50.000
Field 15.000Match accessories 30.000
Jersey 2 sets 10.000 20.000
Water 10 packs 2000 20.000
Total 235.000
5. Media
Item Quantity Unit Price Total
Journalist 5 10.000 50.000
Project cake 50.000
Dinner 400.000
Drinks 265.000
Beer 200 bottles 650 130.000
Top 10 packs 2500 25.000
Water 10 packs 2000 200.000
Wine whiskey 40.000
Total 1.160.000
Grand Total = Two Million One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand (2.113.000)frs